Hear From Some Titans of Trial

Rex Parris

Parris Law Firm

Brian Panish

Panish | Shea | Boyle | Ravipudi LLP

Keith Mitnik

Morgan & Morgan

Trial Skills Training

Learn & Master The Key Fundamentals & Micro-Skills

TLU Skills Training bootcamps focus on the science and technique of human connection in the context of a small group a.k.a. the jury. For the past nine years, I’ve made it my mission to break down this complex skill and translate it into a curriculum that can make anyone a master of connection if they put in the work. From 2014-2020, I taught over 100 four-day programs sharing everything I discovered using what I called the Trojan Horse Method. It was not until the pandemic forced us to go virtual that I had the rare opportunity to study the greatest trial lawyers and decipher what they were doing that led to their super-human results. The breakthroughs of understanding that emerged from this opportunity led to a reinvention of Trojan Horse Method into what I am teaching today.

To master any complex skill, whether it’s golf, tennis, or human connection, it must be broken down to its micro skills. These micro skills must be identified, isolated, and practiced. The micro skills of connection are eye contact, voice control, emotional control, hand/body movement, glance control, word selection, listening, and creating space. These skills are practiced, recorded, and coached in the context of voir dire, opening statement, and cross-examination. We conduct six weekly Zoom meet ups to prepare. Like trial, preparation is key to the game. I guarantee that you will exponentially improve your ability to present and connect in front of a jury after this three-day intensive program. If you don’t agree I will give you your money back.

Work On Your Case

Every participant must bring a case that they are currently working on. They must do a three minute opening statement of the case. This is recorded and played back giving the participant an accurate assessment of their performance/connection skills.


  • Day One: 2:00pm-6:00pm Opening Statement Assessment, Voir Dire
  • Day Two: 8:00am-12:30pm Voir Dire
  • Day Two: 2:00pm-6:30pm Presentation Skills
  • Day Three: 8:00am-12:30pm Voir Dire
  • Day Three: 2:00pm-6:30pm Cross-Examination
  • Day Four: Practice and refine the opening statement, voir dire, cross-examination on your case.

Case Expense: Because you will be working on your case the tuition may be a case cost.

Dan Ambrose Teaching
Trial Skills Training

Trial Skills Bootcamp & Ski

The TLU Trial Skills Bootcamp & Ski is a six-day intensive workshop taking place from Feb 1-8, 2025 in Carnelian Bay, Lake Tahoe, NV. During this period, participants will have the opportunity to exponentially enhance their presentation, cross-examination, and voir dire skills. Trainees will be organized into four-person groups, and video replay will be utilized extensively throughout the sessions.

We will be doing case work on your trials so that all or part of your tuition will be a case expense.

The tuition covers accommodation, breakfast, and dinner. Please note that the skiing experiences and lunches are not included.

If you require further information or have any queries, feel free to reach out to Dan Ambrose directly at 248-808-3130.

Dan Ambrose Teaching